Monday, June 13, 2011


We are not imprisoned inside mere labels of societal norms, of societal dictation. We should not be labelled by our gender, sexuality, race, and social status. We should not let ourselves be chained to whatever society has led most of us to believe. We should be our own person, not merely blindly following what is directly in front of us. We should rid ourselves of this noose that coerces us to let go of our deeply held beliefs. We should ask, we should question, we should not stay silenced and merely nod our heads to whatever some authoritative figure says, we should demand answers for things perpetually left unanswered.

We must choose to know.
We must choose to rid ourselves of ignorance.
We must choose to transform ourselves, to find ourselves for the betterment of future society.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Finally. I get to blog again. It's been so long since I've had my cup of therapy.

Well, School's about to start soon and I'm incessantly excited to go even though I know I seriously need to get all As in my subject in order to "go where I want to go." I guess it wouldn't be that hard since all I'm taking this incoming semester are core subjects. In fact, I actually still lack three more units of core in order not to be underloaded. Quite a hassle. This means that I'll have to to Manual Registration on the 9th. Which means I have to ready myself for another two hour commute to Ateneo. Sad.

Oh, and can I just say...I love my P.E.

Snorkeling FTW!! :D

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Trailing the contours of my palm with a fingertip, I realized that I actually like this, this feeling that overcomes me whenever even the tiniest contact of our skin occurs. It feels awfully strange, and yet this strange feeling is what I seem to have a liking of. I guess I have a natural tendency to gravitate towards the socially unaccepted or whatever politically correct word fits. I feel as if there is newness in me whenever I talk to this, this person that I have only known for not so long. I feel as if I am another person. I feel as if I have forgotten who I am, or who I thought I was. I feel.

We embraced hands.


As usual, I feel utterly depressed at the transpirations occurring around me, or more appropriately, the lack thereof. I am once again drowned by my own lethargy and the irony is that I do not know how to swim. I've been suffering from sheer confusion aggravated by the mountainous workload that I have yet to finish. It also does not help that the probable solution to my problem is certainly something quite tiresome to accomplish and since I am already encompassed by my own sloth and idiocy I doubt that I will actually be able to begin what I possibly intend to do. But then, of course, all I have said is merely theoretical for my own indecisiveness is apparently causing my soon implosion stemming from the fact of my own self.

I have a fucked up life, heck I don't even think I have a life at all.